Saturday, January 7, 2017

How To Upload Your Files to Web Hosting Faster

You may get annoyed when you try to upload an website files through your web hosting server because the the FTP only upload the files one by one per files and it's also takes a lot of time. Actually you can simply archive your files into a .zip extension then upload it without uploading like the FTP Software do.

We just need to simply compress the whole files into a zip Compression and then we can extract it later on the File hosting Manager, so we can reduce the time to upload the files.

Archive your website files into a zip extension

You may have to upload the compressed files into the folder which you want to make it as sub folder or the main folder for example, you put it on public_html and then when we uncompress the files we already have the file ready that can be access through the main domain.

If you still don't know how to compress your files into .zip compression then you can follow this instruction in this link : How to zip files

And today we  already have an achived files called that which contains an Wordpress web software.

Uploading your website through the archived files

You actually you can change any files type that can be extracted through the console like .tar.gz or .7zip but in this tutorial we will show you using .zip extension instead.

And now were uploading the archived files through your web hosting. sometimes people using FTP uploader like FilleZilla or SmartFTP but if your web hosting provider that provide you upload your files through UCP (User Control Panel) then probably you can upload the files using that option.

Unziping the files

Now as the final step we gonna uncompress the files, go to User Control Panel of your hosting then you can find the option called File Manager.

In File Manager locate your compressed files by clicking the folder that which contain the compressed files.

When you found the compressed folder then select the file by clicking the tick on it then click Unzip. Another window will be appear (depends on your File manager) then they will ask you the destination folder. you can locate the destation folder as you wish then when you ready to uncompress just click green check checklist.

and then the file should be uncompressed, it may take a while and then when it finished, you will see the extracted files in your file manager. and then the files are ready to go.

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